About UsGood News Ministries was founded 30 years ago by Charlie and Jeanne Osburn. Through an unfortunate event in the worlds eyes; as well as years of devastation that almost destroyed the Osburn family, a simple Spirit of “Obedience” forever changed the lives of not only Charlie, Jeanne and the rest of their family, it has touched countless lives around the world. Fr. James E. Smith ran into Charlie one day at Mama Nunnari’s Restaurant in Warrington, FL and told Charlie that the Church had more to offer. They spent a few minutes together and Fr. Smith asked Charlie to come to the rectory for an informal chat. On Charlie’s first visit, Fr. Smith told him “Charlie, you gotta give it all to Jesus.” Charlie and Jeanne set out on a journey that would bring them to that very place, surrendering all they had to the love of God, all of their hurts, all of their anger, all of their resentments all of their disappointments and all of their possessions. From that first encounter with Fr. Smith to this very day, Good News Ministries has been dedicated to bringing to the world the all encompassing Love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. About Charlie
Charlie Osburn is an electrifying international speaker and a dynamic Catholic Lay Evangelist who founded Good News Ministries after he had a profound conversion experience in 1977. Told by his bishop that he was to become the first Catholic evangelist in his diocese, he started the International School of Catholic Lay Evangelization as a direct response to Pope Paul VI's document On Evangelization in the Modern World. Charlie says, "The greatest thing we can do is to win the world for Jesus, and we do this by evangelizing the people we know one at a time." He teaches from the Sermon on the Mount, Vatican II documents, and the Nicene Creed -- like no one else! Jeanne Osburn is and has been Charlie's supporter, help-mate, and wife for over 50 years. An original masterpiece, fashioned by God's own hands. An absolute gem, revealing some of God's perfection here on earth. All someone has to do is spend a little time with Jeanne to understand. Happy Anniversary to Charlie and Jeanne! - click here